Issue Number Two: Coming Soon
Back in October we took a big step in attempting to rebuild OTB Central by releasing the first edition of a magazine. I worked with fellow writers to put together a magazine built "For fans by fans" and though some might call the first attempt a failure I will call it a success. The reason I will call it a success is, because even though I was the only person who bought a copy of the magazine we still made one. For the time that the magazine was available we had a magazine for sale with the On the Bleachers name attached to it, which in my opinion is incredible to think about. Looking back though I do think I made some mistakes like not marketing it well enough and maybe picking the wrong time to release it. However, in discussing it with former writers we decided to take another attempt at a magazine, but do things a little differently this time. The reality is that I recently tweeted on the NHL OTB account looking for fans that might be interested in writing for the magaz...